Moving Through Fear

The most common feeling that prevents us from achieving our goals and living in line with our values is fear.

Fear can cause us to stop moving in the desired direction. We often spend so much time dealing with negative thoughts and emotions by resisting them, that we lose track of the desired direction. Therefore, it is important to be able to deal with fear in a way that allows you to follow your values and reach your goals.


Please take a look at the picture. In this picture, behaviour and choices (the route the person is walking) are guided by fear (the sign). The route that leads to the mountain is a valued pathway. It includes choices and behaviour that are meaningful to the person. However, although the route to the mountain is considered personally meaningful, the person fearfully avoids this route. The unknown of the future (the person does not know what the route to the mountain looks like) causes fear to rise and the person prefers to stay within his/her comfort zone. The fear is blocking his/her personal goals and values and he/she will keep walking in circles.

In Your Journal

Now consider the goals you want to achieve.

Which fears are currently blocking the pathway to your goals? Try to be as specific as possible and list up to 5 fears.

Now take a look at the second picture below. In this picture, the person is taking action despite his/her fear.


In this scenario, the fear is no longer blocking his/her personal goals and values. The person is willing to experience the fear, but without following through on fearful instincts and fear-based decisions. The fear may still be present, but it no longer determines the choices the person is making.

The person is willing to trade his/her comfort zone for a life that is in line with his/her values, even if this new route is (occasionally) accompanied by fear. This also allows the individual to expand his/her comfort zone, as the new path, once followed, will become more comfortable.

Acceptance means allowing negative thoughts and emotions to be present, experiencing them fully, but not letting them stop you from living the life you want.

In Your Journal

Allow 10 minutes or perhaps more time, if available. Draw your desired path and just enjoy scribbling this process down. It doesn’t have to be perfect. But just draw the pathway and PLAY.


Acceptance of feelings
