processing anger

In Your Journal

Today we’re writing an anger letter. This is a great way to acknowledge what you’re feeling, listen to your own experience, and then let it all out from start to finish.

Address your letter to someone, something, or to the universe.

Write without pause… don’t worry about language, editing, or trying to make it sound ‘good’.

You’re NOT going to keep this piece of paper. So make sure it’s loose so you can burn it or throw it in the bin. The reason being, because we don’t want our subconscious mind holding onto it.

Usually, in journalling, I would recommend against hateful writing as it can cause an individual to spiral inward on a negative and reaffirm a lot of limiting beliefs. However, for this process … you’re going to write it all out like word vomit. And then acknowledge the letting go part (very important). You’re thinking it anyway, so may as well face the music (so to speak).

Once you’ve written your letter I want you to “turn it around” on yourself. I want you to read it like you’re writing it from YOU to YOU.

For example,

“Dear Tom, I am angry at you because you don’t listen to me and don’t care about my feelings and think I’m the problem.”


“Dear Me, I am angry at myself because I don’t listen to me and don’t care about my feeling and think I’m the problem.”

In the second example, we are able to “check ourselves” and our assumptions about the other person and catch -out any projections that are more about us, then them. Give it a go and see what you notice…..


Creating Balance


healthy self