Seasonal ROutine Changes

As the seasons do their magical dance, our daily routines and habits tend to groove along with them. It's like a natural rhythm that we find ourselves flowing with. When winter arrives, those days get shorter, and it's time to cozy up and snuggle in. It's also the perfect opportunity to explore and re-pick things that make us feel good.

Now, when the winter chill sets in, it's crucial to include activities that keep us healthy, both physically, emotionally, spiritually, and mentally. Maybe you enjoy the gym or going for brisk walks to get that blood pumping. Or perhaps you prefer yoga sessions or dancing around your living room like no one's watching. Whatever floats your boat! The key is to find what you genuinely enjoy and make it a part of your winter routine.

Winter is also an important time to connect with people who uplift and support us. It could be coffee with friends at that warm, cafe or movie nights at home with loved ones. Surrounding yourself with those who make you feel valued and loved can do wonders for your well-being.

Remember, it's not just about the activities we choose but also the places we engage in them. Seek out environments that resonate with your worth and make you feel good. Whether it's a local park, a beach, or a community group, find places that align with your vibe.

So, as the seasons change, don't be afraid to mix things up. Embrace the shifts and take the opportunity to explore new avenues that bring you joy and fulfillment. It's all about finding that sweet spot where you prioritise your health, indulge in activities you love, and spend quality time with people who make your heart sing.

In Your Journal


  1. Make a list of things you need in order to stay healthy: Sleep 7-9 hours, nutritious food, work, financial health, routine, water, physical movement, professional services, studying, chores, hygiene…

  2. Make a list of things you enjoy: entertainment, movies, live sports, cooking, gardening, interior design, playing music, crafts, DIY, reading, shopping, going out for a drink with friends, sleeping in, learning new things…

  3. Make a list of the people and places that support your growth.


Draw a circle, and split it up in 24 hours. A pie - with 24 slices. (may I suggest using pencil or a whiteboard so you can edit easily).

Start to write or colour each segment depending on how you spent your time CURRENTLY.

Everything must be included - travel to work time, work hours, sleep, chores, cooking, downtime etc.

  1. Is your current routine serving you?

  2. Does it include the things that keep you healthy, things you enjoy and keep you connected to others?

  3. Does your current routine allow you to achieve your goals?

  4. What is taking up the most time?

  5. How would you like this routine to change?


You may like to continue using a pie graph or maybe you excel spreadsheet allowing each hour for each day of the week, a more traditional routine calendar.

Design your ‘ultimate’ routine.

Give yourself 3 months to test it out. See what works and what Is realistic.


Forgiveness Journaling


Holding Space for This AND that.