exploring chakras


Today’s Practise

Chakras, traditionally a part of ancient Eastern spiritual, philosophical, and medicinal systems, are considered the human body's centres of life force or energy (Prana). Typically described as being aligned in an ascending column from the base of the spine to the top of the head, each chakra has its own distinct characteristics and functions.

The Research

Research utilising optical sensors to study neurological and physiological aspects of the chakras has observed specific rhythms and patterns associated with chakra activation. This suggests a possible scientific basis for understanding the energy flows and the impact of chakras on psychological and physiological health, potentially aiding in modern psychiatric practices (Rao et al., 1999).

Studies on the effects of chakra meditation on athletes have shown significant changes in the energy levels of specific chakras, indicating that meditation practices can influence the functioning of these energy centres. This supports the idea that chakras play a role in physical and mental health, and their activation can enhance wellbeing (Sonesh & Mukherjee, 2017).

The chakra colours and statements are this:

Base Chakra (I AM)

Naval Chakra (I FEEL)

Solar Plexus (I CAN)

Heart Chakra (I LOVE)

Throat Chakra (I SPEAK/ I EXPRESS)

Forehead/ Third Eye/ Ajna Chakra (I SEE)

Crown Chakra (( KNOW)

In Your Journal

Take a few minutes to think about an area of your life that you would like to develop. This may be something you are currently focussing on in your personal self-development or a specific goal.

For example, if I, Paisley am working on becoming more confident at saying NO to people and prioritisng my wellbeing I might use the statements as below:

OVERVIEW: Working on building self-confidence and trying to understand how to create balance.

I AM… allowed to put myself first

I FEEL… safe to prioritise myself

I CAN… choose myself

I LOVE… respecting my boundaries

I SPEAK/EXPRESS… my truth and hear myself when I say NO

I SEE… myself being loved and relaxed with NO

I KNOW… myself, my needs and my higher destiny

In Meditation

  1. Bring your awareness to each chakra one at a time and simply FEEL the colour of each chakra. Note: some people may see colours, whilst others report simply sensing the colour/ frequency. Both, all and none are okay.

  2. After visualising each colour and bringing your awareness to each chakra - you might like to place the affirmation at each chakra point.

    I.e. Bring your awareness to the base chakra, feel the colour red, visualise the colour red. Place the affirmation “I AM….”

Please share your session feedback below.

This may include your personal experience, any highlights, questions or feedback.


Therapeutic Journaling


Doing “The Work’