

Today’s Practise

Embodiment Meditation “Happy Place”

You are a powerful creator. You have the ability to choose your own experience here on Earth. Let me prove it to you. In today’s practise you will exercise, at will, your ability to transform your feeling state.

Explore the mind-body connection and notice how your emotions and physical body change when you THINK differenrly. Does the body know the difference between what is past, present or future?

In Your Journal

Add a timestamp to your page - time & date

Check-in with yourself by writing one word to describe your (1) thoughts, (2) your body and (3) emotions (or feeling state).

HAPPY PLACE - 15 minutes

In your journal write down a time in your life when you felt healthy, happy and at peace. Close your eyes and let your mind search for this memory and then write it down in as much detail as possible.

When? Where? What is happening? Who is there? What are you doing?

You may notice a handful of different memories coming to mind, if this is true, then just choose one for now. The memory which resonates most deeply.

How did you feel in that moment? Liberated, free, safe, fun, excited, connected, spiritual, and comfortable.

If you had to describe the feeling/ experience in one word, what might that be? If you could bottle up the moment what would you label this particular essence? “Party” “Connection” “Expansion” etc.

Meditation Practise

25 minutes

Close your eyes and take 3 x audible exhalations out through the mouth.

Box breathing (4 x 4) for 9 rounds

Connect to the Inner Channel and grounding earth point

Bring your awareness to the forehead Ajna chakra “Viewing Screen” - See your happy place memory

Bring your awareness to the sacred heart in your chest area - feel the happy memory

Gently, let yourself BE with the feeling and let go of the visual/ past memory.

Bring your awareness down into your gut, into your belly the “Wisdom Point” and become aware of your ability to self-generate this feeling sensation.

Do you KNOW that you are the creator of this experience, here, in the present moment?

Imagine a divine spark in the centre of your chest. Your own personal star.

Feel your essence begin to radiate from this point. Exhale - expand outward. Inhale - expand inward.

You might like to add colour to this radiant expansive essence and feel it expand until it penetrates the skin and you find yourself sitting in a cocoon of this feeling sensation.

You are wrapped up, protected and shielded.

Repeat and affirm, “I am here. I know myself. I know who I am. I am experiencing myself.”

Please share your session feedback below.

This may include your personal experience, any highlights, questions or feedback.


Circle of Trust


Creating Balance