Finding your feet

Yesterday I had my monthly ITA Energy Medicine alignment with Melaney Ryan from the Australian StillPoint Institute. Always such a unique and humbling experience - bringing new insight and depth to my life.

I thought I'd share my latest experience with you, so here's a few sentences from our session together. 

At the end of the ITA Energy Medicine alignment She held my feet gently with her hands.

Fingers on the balls of my feet, I felt a familiar firmness that made me smile.

I became so present in the moment – thoughtless.

The connection - intimate and innocent. Unexpected but not awkward. A little vulnerable but supported. 

I couldn't help but laugh under my breath and then out loud.

She asked me, what it felt like –

And I replied, ‘like a baby, I feel like a baby with your fingers on the soles of my new little feet.’

She paused, and then remarked -

"It’s Joy!"

My eyes welled, and I started to cry.

I wasn’t sure if I was happy or sad.  

Sad, because I’d forgotten what the feeling was -

Or happy because I felt it once again.

I had found my baby feet!

Pure, present, carefree, supporting little platforms -

And boy did they feel good!

Today, my long-time friend came to visit with her newborn, Baby Pia. She had twinkles in her eyes, love in her laughter and of course, those perfect little baby feet. Yep......she was PURE JOY! 

I couldn't help but observe the synchronicities playing out before my eyes - a message of confirmation from the universe, a reminder - 

'Finding your feet' is not just about feeling safe and secure but also feeling joy!


I salute the greatness in you - Jesse Aaron Rapattoni


Psychic or psycho?