finding the courage for self-love

I think it's small steps everyday toward what feels right and whole and loving and energising.

I try to stop myself throughout the day and checkin: am I happy? Is this purposeful? Do these people care about me? Does this job give me energy or does it drain me? Does this food nourish me? Is this house a home? Have I looked at the sky? Have I taken a breath? Did I laugh? Do I love? Am I enjoying these moments? Is this really what I want for myself?

Ive been thinking about it a lot lately - what I want to experience in this life.

I guess it’s hard to know for sure... but I’m learning quickly what I don’t want.

I know I don’t want to give myself away. I don’t want to pretend, fake it, hold back or disconnect.

I feel the deepest sense of gratitude for my life - when I’m aware that I’m living it. And that takes presence and practise.

And part of that practise is living truthfully by what I know - when I know it. Which is kinda humbling because I’ll never know it all. And from there, I try to surrender my expectations. Let go of what isn’t and be with what is. And that release, that detachment, feels like freedom.

I change direction, a lot.

You probably see that.

But the themes and essence remain.

All these pivots make Me.

Ive been told I ‘run away’ and yet I feel like I run right to!

I mean, you can’t run away from yourself .... not so long as you’re living (and even then, who knows!)

Problems, emotions, thoughts....they follow us because we attach to them. We use them. So we must choose which ones we want to solve, feel and think about.

We’re born into life whether we like it or not. And we can change it by choosing. We shouldn’t have to wait for a crisis to give ourselves permission to step IN.

How can we find the courage, the self love?

I guess what I’m trying to say is that at any point in time things change... so let’s just take each moment as it comes.

Let go of stories that aren’t true facts. Let go of the jobs, ppl and shit habits that don’t serve and stop doing things that don’t feel good. I mean, all the things we think we “should” be doing probably never matter anyway. let’s take CARE and support others to do the same.


the power of positive scripting


a posibilities mindset